vicious cycles

Vicious, indeed. I will blog. Then I won’t. Then I’ll decide it’s been too long. Then I stop. Lovely. Well here we are again. I’m blogging. It’s spring. Time to blog I guess.

I’m gonna start a new series because I have made some recent changes in my life and this is to try to track my progress and keep record of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Just to update you, I went to Rwanda for an 8 day mission trip with e3 Partners. It was a blast. Maybe I’ll write about my experience later. I journaled every day about every. dadgum. thing. Even some things I won’t be sharing with the general public too.

But since I’ve been back, my husband and I have made some life-altering decisions. First, we prayed and decided that I would apply for a position at our home church. I pursued this job and through lots of prayer, I accepted the position when offered it. But in the middle of all that too, we traded in Nate’s precious Jeep. We both LOVED that thing. We believe I had a harder time letting it go. Nate drove it every day and had to put up with it. It will be missed, but we made the right decision. It needed new tires, some cosmetic work, and some under the hood work. And we just didn’t have the money for that. We have been saving for a new car, but that was supposed to be 3 years down the line. Instead of dipping into those savings, we traded in the Jeep (we actually made our final decision after leaving a dealership where they made us a you-can’t-walk-away-from-this-deal deal and right before we ordered our food at a restaurant) and bought a Dodge Caliber. I’m actually very happy now with our decision. But we’re not a MOPAR family anymore… We’re a silver Dodge family. That’s right. Nate is now driving my silver Dodge Dakota and I’m driving the silver Dodge Caliber.

New car. New job. New hours. New view on life.

My new motto: simple. Live and move simple. Spend simple. I hope this isn’t just another phase. I want to make these changes something I can truly live with. And without regret. We’re pursuing God’s will. I am seeking Him. I want to live a Gospel-centered life. I was us to be a Gospel-centered family.

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